This page exists as an informal introduction to
the Sequential Art major of the Savannah College of Art and Design's Atlanta
campus (where I teach) and is an extension of the Frequently
Asked Questions page on my website,
It is in no way affiliated with the
school itself, and is merely a means by which to explain the details of the
program as I see them to the folks who have asked about it. If you are
looking for the official SCAD website's information on its Sequential Art
program, please click here, and you will be redirected.
Though the Sequential
Art program is rooted pretty heavily in comics, you can shape your BFA
curriculum (by means of electives and your Senior Project) to prepare you for a
career in preproduction, doing design work, concept art, and/or
storyboarding. Whether for
animation, film, television, or video games, there is a need for people who can
design and draw and do so both quickly and well; we will teach you to do both.
If you really want to
focus your energies in this direction, you can minor in either Storyboarding or
Concept Design for Games.
-->Click here to visit theSCAD minors page. (I can’t link to
the minors directly; it’s one page for all of them that expands with menu bars,
so you’ll have to find them yourself.
• Faculty