Getting One's Terminal Degree in Comics and Graphic Novels: The MFA in Sequential Art

This page exists as an informal introduction to the Sequential Art major of the Savannah College of Art and Design's Atlanta campus (where I teach) and is an extension of the Frequently Asked Questions page on my website, croganadventures.comIt is in no way affiliated with the school itself, and is merely a means by which to explain the details of the program as I see them to the folks who have asked about it.  If you are looking for the official SCAD website's information on its Sequential Art program, please click here, and you will be redirected.

The SCAD-Atlanta Sequential Art Graduate Program is designed to help you master the skills necessary to create truly excellent comics.  
Admission to the graduate program is based primarily on the strength of your portfolio.  We expect a certain degree of competency coming in so that you don’t get overwhelmed.  Please produce comic pages if you’re interested in applying.  Pin-ups and still lifes don’t tell us much about your ability as a visual storyteller.
The program has two main areas on which we concentrate.  The first is craft (which includes both art and writing).  The second is career.  During the (usually) two years that you’re with us, we try to help you develop a project and get it published.  My Crogan Adventures series was picked up while I was in grad school, and many of our grad students have had the same good fortune as a result of their hard work. 